Wednesday, April 27, 2005

What could be the problem?

I found something my wife hates more than change (if that is possible). This would be my earring.
Understand that I am already considered old by many; I am 46. Hopefully there are a few more years of life gifted to me. I don't necessarily feel closer to death than birth all the time. Plus I enjoy making people wonder - about me, my sanity, their sanity, life. So last year about this time I got an earring for the first time. No big deal, right?
Apparently it is a big deal because my wife was PO'd for days and my then-15 year old daughter thought it a very wrong thing for me to do. After a couple of days she stopped mentioning it. When I asked her what her friends said about it, she told me she had stopped telling them.
"Because they all think it's cool!" she said in a very Napoleon-like fashion (and this was before she had seen the movie).
I got the earring at a tattoo parlor. The type they put in was a ring style with a ball that snaps into place. This is what keeps it in the ear. After leaving it in for the prescribed time, I switched to a small, cheap stud (cubic zirconion or somesuch) from Wal-Mart. Sad to say, the stones of those fell out after 9 months or so. I lost the little ball of the original ring. I had no earring.
Yesterday, I went to Hot Topic on my lunch break. Got some more of the rings.
Daughter's first words: "What do you have in your ear? Where did you get that?"
"Hot Topic"
"What did they say in the store to you?"
"May I help you?" I told her.
Wife's first words: "What do you have in your ear? You're crazy."
I think she means it. It has gotten a little chillier in our house all of a sudden.
I'm having a blast. But I hope they can adjust to it.


Blogger doym said...

An earing at 45? not bad,

I dont know what your family find wrong with it? unless you look like a pirate it should be fine, with that said some people do look better than others with earings and not knowing what you look like i couldnt tell you if you should wear it or not.

I'm surprised your wife has been so cold about it? sure it may be different but it's the same as if she came home with a different hair cut (so long as you notice it hahaha).
Your wife should still be there for you wather you have metal in your ear or not, you should still be allowed to express your self how you wish, and atleast it's not an 18 yr old in hot pants and a ferrari!

As for your daughter, well there's noting thats going to change her view, if it looks cool then she doesnt think her parents should look cool, if it looks bad....well it looks bad and she doesnt want you to be seen in public hahahaha, there's no winning that one.

My view, do what makes you feel good about your self, if it's earings then get 4, if you embarrass yourself it gives you something to laugh about later, you havnt hurt anyone.

9:03 PM  

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