Thursday, November 10, 2005

I never thought of it that way...

Usually I try to look at things from both sides of the coin. My wife even accuses me of always "taking the other side" in any discussion we have. The Devil's Advocate, you might say.
But when it comes to celebrities and the limited view of their lives we are afforded, I form opinions quickly and easily.
So imagine my surprise when I read an article about T.O. that made me re-think what I said yesterday. It made a compelling argument that ignoring Mr. Owens is not the thing that would hurt him most. There may be one thing that could drive him even crazier than being marginalized.
We should pity him.
Because, after all, in this new world we live in, it's not really his fault.
Read the article.


Blogger Unknown said...

Wow. That's really sad. I can't believe his teammates aren't at all supporting of him. Even just a little.

I think maybe McNabb feels like that too because there may jealousy? Maybe I'm wrong. But it seems as though with Owens gone the McNabb could possible have the spot-light on him and he's liking that. Hence, all the negative remarks. I mean, how can you be better without one of the best receivers in the game?

4:54 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

P.S. Your comment on my interview really made my day. Thank you!

4:55 AM  

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