Monday, September 25, 2006

Blue is Red

Sometimes I get a kick out of letting elitist liberals from this part of the world go on rants about how racist, or sexist, or, and this is the most common, how ignorant and uneducated folks are in the South, especially Texas. Usually the ones doing the ranting have never lived in the South, and have a view of anything south and west of Fairfax, VA taken from old news accounts from a half century ago. They may have traveled the world, but the only thing they know of the majority of our nation is newswire photos of cops with dogs attacking marchers in Selma, or a governor in a school house door. (They conveniently forget the shot of the white anti-bussing protester in Boston stabbing a black man with an American flag. A picture taken nearly a decade after Selma!)

So for all you folks who are tired of listening to blue states tell you how red states don't get it, and are backward and ignorant, check out this NYT article and tell me which state is backward, lawless, racist, and sexist.


Blogger Kurt said...

Wow. That was an excellent read, although I admit to seeing part of the movement to change the system as part of a power grab on the part of lawyer groups and Albany. Better oversight and training would be a better option in my mind than creating another bureacrancy.

11:55 AM  

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