Thursday, November 16, 2006

Letting Faith inform my Politics, not vice versa

I'm beginning to feel less lonely. The NYT had this op-ed piece today that expresses a sentiment I've held for a number of years. And it reports a phenomenom I've noticed as well - that the majority of evangelicals aren't in the Religious Right. I don't think we've ever been. It's just that reporters are lazy and will take the easy story and the political wingnut version of the evangelicals make themselves readily available to the press. The rest of us are more concerned with faithfully doing ministry in the trenches of life.

On another note: the more things change the more they stay the same. Looks like all the big shots in Congress are too busy reading blogs and polls, and have missed the message of the elections. Trent Lott? and Nancy Pelosi shoots herself in the foot with her choice for her first battle since becoming heir apparent as Speaker of the House. Hasn't she ever heard of choosing her battles? Whether Murtha wins or loses in the race for #2, Speaker Pelosi loses. Oh well, at least the endless campaign for president 2008 looks like it will be entertaining. Not very hopeful in terms of giving the country sound leadership ... but definitely it's going to be great theater.


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