Friday, June 27, 2008

John & Kate - Reality TV porn

some of you have likely seen the show on TLC (i think) called John & Kate Plus 8. It is a reality show that follows the adventures (?) of a married couple and their family. Apparently focus groups know more than I do, because this show has more "cute" moments than a kitten photos web site.

John & Kate had difficulty having children, so they utilized science to help them. I have no problem with that. It enabled them to have twin daughters. Not being entirely "fulfilled" by raising them, the couple endeavored to enlarge their family. More fertilization techniques were used and "OH CRAP," she gave birth to septuplets (that's 6, right?) when the twins were less than 2 years old.

Being enterprising sorts (well, Kate is, IMHO), and realizing there was no way in heck they could support this size family on normal wages, they did the next best thing to winning the lottery in America today. They packaged and bundled their lives and sold it to a network.

I watched some of this show when my wife and daughter first discovered it. Can you guess how it goes in that house? with 8 kids under 6 (at the time i saw it)? DING DING DING WINNER!!!

Yep, one kid starts crying, four others join in, the others are abandoned while Mom and Dad try to cope and blah blah blah. Five minutes into it and I had seen the entire plot, I think.

I call it Reality TV porn because it is as formulaic as an "adult" film. And for those who want to watch such drivel, equally as captivating.

Sheesh. Little people get rich off a TV show. Irresponsible parents that bred more than they can afford get rich off a TV show. I get up in the morning and go to work everyday.

I need a gimmick I can sell.........


Blogger Wake of the Flood said...

You don't need a gimmick. Your audience would just as mindlessly tune in as the TLC demographic
Problem is, anyone interested in your gimmick either doesn't have any $$ or they won't be parted from it for anything so "mainstream"(IMHO);)

4:55 PM  
Blogger Rat In A Cage said...

And when they cannot afford their mortgage payments, our tax dollars will bail them out of that mess, too. Imagine if the Russians or Chinese ever take over. The shock most people will be in for when there is no free hand out system. It almost makes me want it to happen.

8:47 PM  

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