Thursday, November 20, 2008

Economic turmoil

So lately the news has been filled with doom and gloom reports of federal bailouts and the Dow at levels it hasn't seen in nearly a generation, Christmas sales are going to be horrible and the world is a very scary place in our economy.
But I think that for those of us the spend every dollar anyway, and who are forced to make choices in how we spend that money, who have pretty secure jobs, and don't gawk at the graph of our 401k's value (if we even have one), this is a much friendlier climate... $1.75/gallon gas frees up a lot of monies that were going into the tank just 5 months ago!


Blogger Wake of the Flood said...

For once the boys on top are getting hurt more than the average Joe. But that won't last long. The ripple effect is just starting so we're just now seeing how tough it's gonna be on the little people. And as usual, the government is taking our tax money and funneling it to the big boys to ease their pain.

12:18 PM  

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