Friday, August 19, 2005


4 : having, containing, or indicative of good sense or reason : RATIONAL, REASONABLE
There's a woman that walks pass my dock doors every day. I think she is excercising but it may be that she parks in front and walks around the building. She seems like an ordinary person, probably same type as me. Except, while the younger women teeter by on their spike heels and tight fitting jeans, this woman is in flat shoes that look comfortable and go well with the rest of her demure apparel.
Today, I realized how I would describe her if asked for a one word definition (like that's gonna happen).


Do women grow up aspiring to be "sensible"?

I have a sister that I would describe that way. This should not come across as mean-spirited. I envy that aspect of her and her life. Not much chaos. Quite organized. Purposeful. Moving with direction.

I think I have spent my life trying to be appear everything but sensible.

But I think I expect my children to be sensible. My bad. I think I will try to move to expecting them to be responsible. No kid wants to be sensible.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, if more women saw being perceived as "sensible" as a positive thing then the blogosphere would have a lot less tales of woe from women in bad relationships. If the main image one wants to project is one's sexual desirability, then why should one be surprised if that attracts low life idiots who objectify women. I just know I'm gonna get hammered for this comment, but I'll wait to expand upon it since folks will need to vent their spleen before there can be any rational (oh, look, sensibility is back again!) discussion.

10:18 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I think it's the expectation that's the killer. If you give your kiddos good info, and lots of it, and at least occasionally model the're gonna be pretty well off--and so are they.
Sensible is ok...but not if we're talking shoes...everyone knows sensible shoes aren't really fun. or cute.

7:01 PM  
Blogger notasoccermom said...

I think sensibe is actually a compliment.

6:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting post.

When I was in my twenties I wore high heels and short skirts - I recently found myself back in Coporate America. But this time I wore the short skirts with flat shoes. I also threw in dark colored leotards to leave everything to the imagination. Sensible is a great word for what I have become. All the while not losing the ability to look great!

Denise Denise

12:52 PM  

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