Thursday, November 17, 2005

Am I in a time warp?

Another milestone event that messed with my mind.
Saturday, Stephanie and I attended the wedding of one of Hannah's (our 20 year old) childhood friends.
We sat at the reception with a couple we became acquainted with when our daughters (and the bride) were in the same Indian Princess tribe. This program is for girls age 5 ~ 7 & their dads. Weekend campouts, monthly activities, etc. This couple has 2 girls the same age as ours, so Jim and I did the Princess thing twice (six years in a row).
It was weird to watch this whole event unfold in front of my eyes. I felt like an observer - there is no way I am mentally prepared for my daughter to do this!


Blogger FantasticAlice said...

Wow! You always bring back memories. I was an Indian Princess too! Best years in the world for me and my dad. I loved it!

12:02 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

better start the prep, Dad!
She's a beauty, and has spent time living WAY outside the box~their probably already pounding at her door.
we are friends, here. that wasn't very comforting for you, was it, friend??
sorry, Man

12:48 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Wow! I'm already freaking out with my son and HE'S ONLY 7! Help me... Please.

1:31 AM  

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