Wednesday, January 14, 2009

President Joe Biden?

ok, i'm not an expert on constitutional law, but i had a thought the other morning that puzzles me.
i seem to remember from Dr. Lynch's or Mr. Lobo's social studies classes that the real job of the Vice President is to be President of the US Senate. And be first in line of succession.
So, the US Congress is in session now, working to pass the spending authorizations that president-elect Obama has requested. And it is the new Senate. So Joe Biden is working in his new role.
So does that mean that if President Bush were to become incapacitated in the next few days or even die, that Joe Biden would become the President until the inauguration?


Blogger Wake of the Flood said...

You DID pay attention in Civics. The Hale girls must not have been in that class?

Your line of succession is correct, and yes, this is the new Congress that is in session, but the presiding officer of the Senate is the Vice-President, which until the 20th remains Dick Cheney. (Hey what is it about Republicans named Dick? See Nixon, Armey, Cheney ...)

Any case, I think that's how it works. I'd have to fact check to be certain.

6:56 PM  

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