Monday, June 27, 2005

Are you a moral person?

Bank Error, Your Favor
Do you remember in the game Monopoly the Community Chest card about the bank error in your favor? And you got $200?
Okay, I'll assume most of the readers would consider themselves moral persons. Try to live a "good" life, right?
Okay, so suppose the bank screws up and you get an extra $200 or let's make it $2000 one month.
Do you keep it? Why do you auppose it is yours? On what basis morally are you entitled to it?
If you are entitled to it, then where do you draw the line on what is okay? Would you be willing to sue another driver if a lawyer promises they can get you real money, even if you are not hurt?


Blogger Jenn Doll said...

I wouldn't keep it, I'd be too damn scared. Maybe that's how my morals kick in, but I wouldn't keep it.

AS for the the suing another driver and not being hurt, I couldn't do that either.

I do have very strong morals and stand strong with them. I am a HUGE believer in karma and don't with to have those things done to me. And when they are done, I believe that they will receive their karma. Maybe not that day or the following, but some day.

2:23 AM  
Blogger Kurt said...

Sort of a "what goes around comes around" thing, eh?

4:31 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Not only would i not keep it, I had it happen to me and i informed the bank of it..know what they told me? they would of caught it eventually and if i had spent it i would of had to pay it back..there are trails for all money. i have morals and i am not bragging, just stating a fact. I believe in Karma as our lovely Jenn does..

12:53 PM  

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