Thursday, August 25, 2005

Ironic, isn't it?

Morning Edition on NPR had a story this morning about McMansions coming to Cape Cod. It seems some of the old-time residents are unhappy with new property owners buying quintessential Cape cottages and razing them to erect large, luxury vacation homes.
"Suburbia is coming to the Cape," goes the lament.
Do you think Squanto and the other natives had the same discussion in the summer of 1620 after some of these people's relatives arrived from England?


Blogger Unknown said...

"They" always gotta ruin everything. Can't ever just let things be. Especially things that should be left to be....

1:45 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

it is ironic...that people are the same wherever you go. the government excludes and takes from the indigenous in countries all over the globe--and I have seen it first hand. It is both sad and interesting, how we are the same, inherently, no matter where we live.
Group consciousness is something that is not widely understood, and yet is extremely powerful. If you are not in a group whose consciousness does not reflect your own, and you have been unable to effect said consciousness, it is wise to leave the group, or the group could lead you. It goes where it wants, regardless of where you want to go...(Conversations with God book 2, p50, Walsch, 1997)
Whatever your spiritual beliefs, there is real meat in this soup.

We are totally neighbors! I live just south of the south exit at DFW. Piranha's is at the corner of 157/Northeast Green Oaks. If you believe the reviews, it's been rated tops in the metroplex on several occassions. I recommend the place highly. If you decide to try it on a weekend, I suggest calling and making a reservation (gotta do it before 5)

6:59 PM  

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