Thursday, December 01, 2005

3 Weeks...

...until her odyssey is over. December 22nd is departure day for Hannah. Adios to Alcala, Madrid and Segovia (pictured here). From her e-mails, it sounds as though she has had a blast. Surely this has been a semester that will impact her for the rest of her life, and has changed her in ways even she isn't aware of yet (and may never realize).

I'm looking forward to seeing her. Giving her a Dad hug. Enjoying having her around for a bit. Then turning her around to face the world again and whisper, "Go ahead baby. We've got your back."

And wipe a tear from my eye as she keeps growing up.


Blogger Unknown said...

What a beautiful child, Kurt.
Wipe my tear, too, please~

11:32 PM  
Blogger Wake of the Flood said...

The excitement grows. It'll be a merry Christmas in Texas.

In our day only the privileged traveled abroad like this. Now its a routine part of the business world. She'll gain from this the rest of her life, no matter what she does.

Josh (my youngest) was tentatively planning a semester at Oxford, but has since dropped his double major in mathematics and comp sci to a comp sci major with minors in math and philosophy. Since Oxford has no comp sci program, and Oxford is the only university with which his school has a joint program, it looks like he'll be staying stateside. Sigh.

8:27 AM  
Blogger Kurt said...

Hey bro! Don't let that stop him. You know our other brother? His daughter Jessica faced a similar dilema. VaTech offered little in the way of cooperative programs and she was determined to spend a semester in London. Working with her mom, they found the school they wanted and designed a ciriculum that would satisfy the administration of her home school. All the classes she took transferred back for credit, is my understanding. Jessica handled all of the arrangements (travel, communicating with the school, etc.). I'll bet they have some insight. Of course, Josh would have to be motivated to get it done. Fortunately, Hannah was. And when her desire was being swayed this summer by doubt and fear, a gentle push by me, disgused as a parental arm around the shoulder, got her moving again.

9:05 AM  
Blogger Kurt said...

thanks daisy. both my girls are pretty cool.

9:06 AM  

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