Tuesday, April 04, 2006

The League Commissioner

Jenn posted about people being in different leagues. I am sure we can all relate to the idea.
But I was reminded of it this week while thinking of something seemingly unrelated.

I heard the term "good Christian" used the other day and I started to think. To me, that is almost an oxymoron, and I could see myself being a little offended if someone referred to me in that way. To me, being a "Christian" is an acknowledgement of my shortcomings as a human when compared to God and my need for His Grace in order to for there to be a relationship between us. The more time I spend contemplating my relationship with God, and His (really, i would prefer gender-neutral but don't have annamaria's vocabulary) nature, the more astounded I become that we can even begin to have any relationship with Him, He is so out of our league!

I bristle when I hear "religous" people talking about all the things they have done for Christ and others. I become annoyed when I hear talk that smacks of complacency with the spiritual walk one is on, as though it is like a stage of life you only need to get through and then be done with it.

The more time I spend in the consideration of things, the more I become aware of my shortcomings and imperfections when measured against the perfection of God. Which is funny, because the "closer" I get to God, the further away I realize I am.
I have no trouble at all with people that say they don't believe in God. In fact, I think it likely that after reaching this conclusion, the matter hasn't been given a second thought. And, just like those that assume because they are better (less worse?) than others, they can rely on God's love as part of a universal redemption plan. I pray for each, that God's mercy also be known to them.

If someone acts and says they know all about God, I'm thinking they haven't considered the question yet.

So we head toward Easter. Dinners and dresses, new outfits and family pictures. A chance to celebrate Spring. For some of us, it is also associated with the deepest, most profound mix of shame, despair, joy and relief imaginable, along with other emotions.

O God, if I worship you in fear of hell, burn me in hell. If I worship you in hope of paradise, shut me out of paradise. But if I worship you for your own sake, do not withhold from me your everlasting beauty.
- Rabi'a, Islamic poet


Blogger Rat In A Cage said...

Just be careful you don't get run over in the Church parking lot by all the so-called believers who are in a rush to get the (excuse me) hell out of there.

3:23 PM  
Blogger Rat In A Cage said...

Hey, Kurt.

My ex's daughter asked me over the weekend if I knew the name of the heavy metal band that threw bibles into the crowd years back.

I told not only did I know the name, Stryper, but that I had also seen them live 4th row AND ... had one of the bibles from the late 1980s. She asked for it so when I dig it up I will pass the torch to a younger generation.

I keep all my agnostic / atheistic points of view to myself around them. She asked her mom to go to some Christian meeting this week with a school friend.

I'm downloading "To Hell With The Devil" for her now.

Lastly, she's Jewish.

Rock on.

6:32 PM  
Blogger Kurt said...

rat -
a little modern day rock for your listening pleasure -
Thousand Foot Krutch
i left a comment on your post about her needing a ride. basically, keep up the good work.

so why do you think mel thought she needed to caution us to play nice? hahaha

9:17 AM  
Blogger Rat In A Cage said...

Because Mel is so aware of naughty play.

12:28 AM  

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