Monday, May 08, 2006

Sex, Bad? Sex, Good!

Lots of folks are blogging (and blathering) about The DaVinci Code's assertion of Jesus being married. Mark Roberts (link on the side) and Tony Campolo have some concise, rational and reasoned things to say about it.


Blogger paul said...

thank you for the link to that article. i was kind of thinking about that issue this week (not the divinci code)

12:15 PM  
Blogger Rat In A Cage said...

I am being serious when I ask, "Why would it matter?" No, I didn't read the link so I apologize if it explains the importance of the issue in it.

12:47 AM  
Blogger Wake of the Flood said...

Rat is more of a theologian than he knows!! He asks the pertinent question: why would it matter? And the answer, that it doesn't, takes the air out of Dan Brown's conspiracy theory Catholic bashing rants. The claims of orthodox Christianity are neither bolstered nor diminished by a married Jesus.

I'm not against the book, it's fiction. And I respect Brown's skills as an author. What has become an issue is the "fact" page at the front of the book in which Brown claims a foundation of authoritative sources and historical accuracy for the claims made by the protagonists in the book. He's a good writer, but a lousy historian. As for sources, almost every one of the sources he claims for the authenticity of the fictional claims have been discredited as either faulty scholarship or outright fraud. So enjoy the book and the movie. But realize it is no more an expose and true than ET was an expose of the Roswell!

8:44 AM  
Blogger Kurt said...

i finally got to the link. thanks. i like this guy's point of view here. we should add him as a link, bro. whatcha think?

9:11 PM  
Blogger Rat In A Cage said...

I'm glad to see I got something out of 4 years of Catholic high school.

10:04 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

you guys.

12:45 PM  

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