Monday, June 05, 2006

wow, this could change everything...

i only partially heard this playing last night as my wife watched it. she was sent this link from a co-worker. ordinarily i am not a big conspiracy buff, but this looked way too interesting to ignore.
i thought some others might be interested in it as well (dusty, annamaria, rat....)
September 11th - what really happened that day?
wake has not participated in this, in case he needs the distance...>:-)


Blogger Wake of the Flood said...

The documentary lost a lot of credibility when they cited wikipedia as a source. And as an historian I can assure you that history has all kinds of places where logic would suggest something to be what happened but the history of the events reveals a whole different set of circumstances. The truth IS very often stranger than fiction.

Does that mean I accept the "official" version of the events of 9-11? No. There are lots of questions that need to be given better answers. Some have already begun to come forth: there was a good documentary a year or so ago that explained how the towers could have come down in the way that they did as a result of the plane collisions. But it sure looks like an implosion.

And every crisis has a "fog" at the moment it is happening that leads to contradictory understandings of what is occurring. And usually later analysis of events gives plausible explanations that show why reasonable people would be reaching different conclusions about the same events at the moment they happened.

Eye witness testimony in statements at the time of an event are known to have a degree of unreliability. And studies on memory show that we actually construct memories of events to fit our interpretation of the events. So later testimony is not perfect either. It all needs to be analyzed and interpreted. Which always leaves room for a different viewpoint.

Just as a red state Republican patriot is sure to see the facts supporting the "official" version, this documentary approached the events with a bias that was looking to connect the dots into a conspiracy. I'm not convinced. Neither am I content with the investigations that have been done. Maybe I can't bite on the conspiracy thing because of naivete. But I think I'm not that naive, but am actually fairly cynical. And as cynical as I am, I'm not sure I would want to be cynical enough to believe what this guy wants us to believe.

5:15 PM  
Blogger annamaria said...

Ugh, I hate being at work! After reading Wake's response to it, and the email Kurt sent me today to let me know that he sent the Feds my way (how dare you link out to my blog! :) ), I now really, really want to watch this documentary. Of course, I can't until I get home tonight. Which makes this comment nothing more than a substance-less whine, so feel free to ignore me...

11:39 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I watched it several months ago. I have too many unanswered questions to believe this newest conspiracy witch-hunt.And that doesn't mean I don't have questions to the governments version, its just a little more believeable to moi.
Hey..Bruce has deleted his blog got his newest web addy?

1:18 AM  

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