Monday, July 25, 2005

The Encyclopaedia of Stupidity

So I'm listening at lunch to the Glen Miller Show on our local PBS station and hear Mr. Miller interviewing Matthijs van Boxsel, author of The Encyclopaedia of Stupidity. What was interesting to me is hearing stupidity discussed as "its own force, like beauty, intellect and athleticism." In other words, stupidity is not solely for those lacking in brain power. The author argues the opposite, in fact.
"No man is intelligent enough to recognize his own stupidity," was one of the statements he made. Hindsight is a modifier of this, though and we can often look back and see our stupidity.
I plan to read the book; he was quite entertaining. But my question is this:
What is the stupidest thing you have done? (Rat, you can't say move to LA, you've already used that on your own postings)
My answer tomorrow. There are so many to pick from, I'll have to think about it...


Blogger Kurt said...

OK, since no one is watching there are two -
A)when I was about 21, I used to hang out at a certain bar in Dallas. I was pretty good at pool and could usually stay on the table for 3 or 4 drinks. One slow night, I am doing okay and play someone I never had seen before. He was a younger man, as was I then, so we were getting along okay. Consider this is in 1981 or 82. He asks me if I want to make $100.
"Doing what?"
"I want you to drive me over to the Centennial (this is a liquor store); I'm supposed to meet someone there in 10 minutes."
"Okay," I stupidly answer and off we go in my car.
On the short drive over (only two blocks), I learn that this is a "drop" and my newfound friend is delivering some product to out-of-towners. He complains that these same people "ripped me off last week" and this was his planned revenge. They sold him very poor quality pot. Not at all what was represented, and so he was returning the favor with some crappy coke. But he didn't want them to see his car, because for sure they were going to be pissed. There was a couple thousand dollars involved here. About then the bells were starting to go off in my head "They'll be looking for your car instead, Kurt" but it was a little late. Fortunately things went off the way he planned, I never saw him again and no one bothered my car. But looking back, there were some ugly possibilities there....
Story B on another day

8:26 AM  

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