Wednesday, July 20, 2005

With God on our side...

God Bless America
If you live in the US, you have seen the magnets or bumper stickers on the cars. Usually next to a Support the Troops or Bush04 sticker, but many times not. This is not a GOP-exclusive issue or wish.
But it makes me wonder - does God really bestow blessings on a country? And if so, why America instead of Iraq?
There are extremists on both sides of the conflict that believe God to be on their side. Annamaria points out that there are well respected Christian leaders that have said Islam is evil. We know the way America is portrayed in the Arab world.
I love God and cannot begin to imagine the amount of audacity it would take to proclaim His intent and desire.
Help on this is appreciated. How can I show the love of God if I say there are others whose lives are worthless because of their ideology or theology?
We don't need name calling or rhetoric, though. That is rarely helpful.


Blogger Unknown said...

Hmm. . .

Well, I TRY to keep from thinking that other's lives are worthless as hard as it may be at times.

And if you truely love Him, then I think that shows enough.

4:35 AM  
Blogger annamaria said...

I think you answered your own question, Kurt. You can't show your love of God if you believe others' lives are worthless.

If you believe that God created humankind in his own image, it is a betrayal of his love for you to argue that some of his children are more worthy than others.

And yes, I am aware of the irony here--I'm an atheist telling people how to respect God's love!

9:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe an argument can be made that some lives are more worthy than others, if worth is seen in terms of utility or beneficence. But I also believe that the Bible asserts that ALL humanity is of sacred worth, not because of the intrinsic worth of the person, but because of the value imparted by the Creator. We, each human being, are the Pearl of Great Price in the parable (Matthew 13:45-46). Which raises a whole lot of other questions about our origins! Can random selection include imparted value?

3:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your post is provocative. I've been thinking all day about it. I am not sure I can express my thoughts and opinions with enough clarity to avoid confusion, but I will try.

When I pray God Bless America these days, I am not asking God to bless America only. I am not asking for any favoritism. I am merely asking God to keep us safe from harm, to guide us in these troubling times as we deal with the threat of terrorism.

As far as Iraq is concerned, I pray God blesses Iraq too, as that country struggles to establish a democracy and overcome those who would control and oppress the general population there.

As I see it, our battle in Iraq is not with Islam. Our battle, our war is with thugs who have more or less highjacked the Islam faith and are using it to justify their dreadful actions and to recruit naive followers. I do wish though that Islamic leaders would be more vocal in their condemnation of these thugs and their use of terrorism.

These thugs are not good people. They are evil and we have to be willing to call evil by its name when we are confronted with it.

You say, "How can I show the love of God if I say there are others whose lives are worthless because of their ideology or theology?"

Is somebody saying some lives are worthless because of their ideology etc.? I suppose so. Not me though.

10:59 PM  
Blogger Kurt said...

susieq - Thanks for your comments. Here is a link to a site discussing The Law of Apostasy in Islam. Apostasy is the change in belief of a Muslim from Islam to any other theology or even atheism. The proscribed punishment is death.
This would seem to indicate the belief that a life changed in this manner is considered no longer worthy of existence.
I am hoping to find a Muslim to discuss this with me, as well as find the predominate position of Islam regarding those who do not share their faith.

9:06 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

there is certainly more than a bucket full of intellect in the room!
God's love is all inclusive...He has the power-if He wanted us all to think the same He could have definitely pulled it off! I try and spend less time worrying about who is right or wrong, and more about how I can make the best use out of the love He so graciously bestows upon me.
(some days are easier than others)

10:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kurt, the link you provided is very interesting. If you are able to talk with a moderate Muslim, I hope you will tell us what he/she had to say.

10:49 PM  

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