Tuesday, August 30, 2005

What's the craziest thing...

..that you've ever done? At least what other people would say is crazy. And maybe you would now, looking back.
For me, an easy choice is jumping from "a perfectly good airplane" (although it is agreed there is no such thing as a perfectly good airplane).
You can't imagine the rush!
Or the understanding of the absurdity of what is about to happen and diving out the door anyway.
This picture is not me. I always wore a helmet. And sneakers. But the sh*t-eating grin is pretty universal on the face of jumpers.
I'd like to again, but there are some other priorities competing for "disposable" income.
Now, there are some other crazy things I can name, but I'm not sure about statue of limitations on those...


Blogger Unknown said...

I don't think I've ever done anything crazy. Wow, I'm lame

I envy you for sky diving! You rock!

I did do flight simulation. It was awesome! I'm 99.9% sure it's nothing like the real thing, though. I don't know if I could do the real thing, being afraid of heights and all.

No statue of limitations! Do tell...

3:50 AM  
Blogger Kurt said...

the girl get in confrontations wherever she goes (Ozzy, Vegas), has her picture all over a bar's web site, sports tats and piercings, and she doesn't think she's ever done anything crazy?
Think of all the stuff you've done and whether you want your son doing it in 10 years, then tell me if you've never done something crazy...
Which is not to say we can't justify it all. But aren't there some things the old farts would look at and think, "That girl is crazy."

8:44 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I luff you, Kurt!

10:11 AM  
Blogger daisyduke said...

I would love to jump out of a perfectly good airplane...I'm glad you have! I'm gonna do it here, one of these days

10:23 AM  
Blogger Kurt said...

jeepers, i'm feeling sort of strange now.
mel and jenn think they have never done anything as crazy as skydiving. but wait, you two are my Internet wild-woman princesses with tattoos and hard rock flowing through your veins...
as far as other crazy stuff, in another life, if it was offered i was trying it. usually at least twice to get an honest opinion. up was always better than down, paper or liq-cid much better than pills (if ya know what i mean), crank never made me hallucinate (they must be putting some nasty stuff in it nowadays) and coke is a waste of money unless you can buy in bulk (and it is still a waste of money). X stands for needs improvement and Jack, Jose, Jim and Capt Morgan were frequent guys i hung out with.
now, me and ben gay go to al heimer's to remember the old days.
i found out in my 30's that i am allergic to opium (bad reaction to a prescription). makes me glad heroin & i never made it to the same party.
y'know, i did so much stuff but it made me miss out on so much other stuff. can't take it back, not sure i'd want to. but i wonder where i would've gone if i hadn't got on the bus. i think that is its own post...

12:34 PM  
Blogger tom said...

In 1991, I picked a fight with three large gentlemen in an Acapulco nightclub.
Because of the beating they gave me, looking back, I consider my actions crazy.

9:11 AM  

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