Friday, October 07, 2005

Were you hurt?

Ok, from my travels around my small blog-o-sphere, it seems alot of the sites I read (see the links) are created by regular folks. Good people who want about the same things most people I've met want - a fair shot at a decent life, to be shown kindness and to be allowed to show it, a reason to smile and peace. Most seem to be pretty normal and (dare I say it?) moral people. No thieves or axe-murders in my world that I know of.
But most seem dismissive of "organized" religion or even the concept of an active relationship with God. I read about a lot of us who are just trying to handle the question on our own, in our own terms.
I'm a pretty happy Presbyterian who is grateful for a relationship with my Creator made possible by His love and grace, manifest in Jesus.
I'm not the Pope or St. Paul or a male Mother Teresa.
I'm just a guy.
Working on getting to the end of today, hopeful for tomorrow and excited about after that.
So, it makes me wonder if any of you have had negative experiences with a church (or church people) that put you off the whole "religion" thing.
Anyone got a comment?


Blogger notasoccermom said...

I think you're awesome, Kurt.

9:36 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I think you're awesome, too. Well, I wish I had a comment but I've been wondering the same thing for a while now.

5:34 AM  
Blogger Rat In A Cage said...

The more religion I got through school or classes, the more absurd it all seemed. The more questions my mathematical & scientifically oriented mind asked, the sillier the answers were. I guess I just don't but it when I see all the suffering and warfare over the history of man in the name of religion. Just last week, W reportedly stat3d his whole Iraq mission killing thousands is because he is on a mission from god.

I say whatever people believe is fine with me. I don't trry to jam my beliefs down their throats & hope they will not jam theirs down mine. Believing there is no god is a belief too, not a lack of a belief.

9:09 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I have a very strong ongoing relationship with the CREATOR. I don't feel compelled, however to limit that to what one single organized religion dictates. There are so many good things from so many many parallels. I cannot box up my beliefs and package them in one specific way. It is no coincidence that life occurs the way that it does, or that paths cross. Whether or not I understand it all everyday isn't the most important thing to me...
I have to comment on Rat's all boils down to language. Wars and hate when dissected...Words. They make everything we are.

10:20 AM  
Blogger FantasticAlice said...

Hypocrites... that is all. I am happily agnostic... there is no way I can be an aethiest. Reason being of all the religions of all the nations they all believe that there is something that created us... what that something is I will probably never know, but it is nice to have a "GOD" to put your hopes dreams fears and ideas in.

I have gone to churches (baptist, luthern, catholic,) I have gone to temples, mosques, and synagogues, but I never once found a place I was happy with that didn't "diss" other religions or peoples. Correct me if I am wrong but isn't it "GOD" that judges all?

Oh, and I have a good riddle for you today Kurt.

Much Admiration-Alice

5:11 PM  

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