Saturday, September 24, 2005

They're both dead now...

On Wednesday evening I took part in a focus group. We sampled 5 variations of an Italian Sausage pizza that a national chain will be introducing soon, I think. They paid me $40 for my opinions.
But the title here refers to my parents.
As we were waiting to enter the room for the tasting, the hallway was abuzz chatter from the various groups of friends that had been recruited. I may have been the only one to come alone to this and I also felt like the oldest person there.
The group adjacent to me was six college students. They were discussing (not quietly) which of them was the better child.
"How often do you talk to your parents?"
"I talk to my mom every day."
"Every few days."
"I only talk to my dad about once a week."
And so it went.
I realized then (again) that both my parents are gone. That life is moving "the way it should" (a parent shouldn't bury their child). And I have arrived at that stage where I can't ask Dad for advice or Mom for recipes. {{{{{{sigh}}}}}}}
If you still have your parents, tell 'em you love 'em.
Even if you have "issues."
And if not the 'rents, well, there must be someone you can tell. Even if it is yourself. We all need to hear it every so often.
Peace and prayers for the flooded.


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