Thursday, September 15, 2005

John Roberts thoughts

Jen and Annamarie will probably think me crazy, but after listening to the Senate confirmation hearings the past few days, I can't say anything bad about Judge John Roberts. Originally nominated by President Bush to replace Justice O'Connor, Mr. Roberts was "elevated" to the Chief Justice nominee following the death of William Rehnquist.
I have found him to be articulate, thoughtful and direct in his position regarding what he will and will not discuss. I am encouraged by his discussion of why he became a lawyer ("I am passionate about the Rule of Law"). While others are crusaders that get into law to further their cause, Mr. Roberts comes off as willing to examine cases as they relate to law. His description of the argument of Thurgood Marshall in Brown v. Board of Ed as "clever" leads me to think that he is not as closed-minded as some would have us believe. Since his appointment is virtually assured, I can only hope that his humanity will lead to the right decisions.


Blogger tom said...

"I have found him to be articulate, thoughtful and direct in his position regarding what he will and will not discuss."
He did not fill out an application to work the register at Office Max. He went to Harvard and Harvard Law, he clerked for Rehnquist, and he has an exceptional record as a lawyer in the public and private sector so why was it ever a question as to whether he would be articulate and thoughtful? That is kind of like saying that you watched Monday Night Football and found T.O. to be atheletic. shit. The question is whether T.O. is the receiver that you need for your team, not whether he is capable of playing the position. He can. Of course, he can.

8:19 AM  

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