Wednesday, October 19, 2005

You bought a car dude,

not the road.

I'm a pretty mellow (slow) driver. It helps me stretch those gas dollars and I'm not worried about the extra four minutes it takes me to get home by going 60 mph instead of 70 on the freeway.
So yesterday, I'm exiting the freeway, slowing to the access/frontage/feeder road speed as I go down the ramp when I look in the mirror to see a BMW closing quickly on my bumper. Finally the mirror looks like this picture, he's so close.
And I think, you bought a nice car dude, not the road. Then I think to myself what my 80 year old father-in-law always says-
"If you wanted to be in front of me, you should have gotten up earlier this morning."
And I slow down some more...


Blogger Wake of the Flood said...

I've always wished I had one of those speakers on my truck because I have a question for all those drivers who, when there's a traffic jam with a merge who push their way past everyone else, even driving in the breakdown lane to get around people, and do it at 60 miles an hour while every one is doing 2 mph. I don't have any malice toward these folks, I just want to know why they're so much more important than EVERYONE else on the road that they can't wait their turn. So I want a speaker on my truck so I can ask them. Think they'll answer with anything other than a single digit salute?

8:11 AM  
Blogger FantasticAlice said...

Good for you!

Myself, I would have slammed on the breaks.

Good for you!

9:33 AM  
Blogger Rat In A Cage said...

I'm with Alice, although I go one further by yanking on the emergency brake so as to not even warn them with brake lights. It scares the (bleep) out of them. Sure it's dangerous, but I love the look on their faces (which are so easy to see at that close proximity) when they drop their cell phone, coffee and shaver to slam on the brakes.

10:39 AM  
Blogger Unknown said... did not..did you really punk him out by slowing down even more?

i curse you slow guys SOOOOO bad..but I need to slow down too..

6:26 AM  

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