Thursday, January 04, 2007

Can it be that long?

It has been 30 years since I graduated high school and there are plans afoot for a reunion. I have strong desire to attend, but alot will depend on the timing of the event.
In the meantime, I have been in contact with people that, while not forgotten, I have certainly not thought of recently (if that makes any sense). When I see friends and family having regular contact with "life-long" friends, I get a little sad. That opportunity was traded for my move to Texas when I was young. I think I have said it here before, but overall that trade was worth it. My life would have been much shorter, I fear, if I had stayed where I was....
But having had this round of new communication with people whose impact is still reverberating in my life today has me excited. Perhaps this could be a resolution I can keep - staying in better touch with friends.


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