Monday, January 02, 2006

What a question...

Mel has raised a great question:
What would you sell your soul for?
As usual, there are some very thoughtful answers in the comments as well as her personal statements in the post.
If you go there to read and comment, be kind and thoughtful as well.
Or, like she said at the end of her post, just think about it. It seems worth considering to me.


Blogger Wake of the Flood said...

You're right Kurt, quite a question over on Mel's site. Course, in some ways, we're willing to sell our soul everyday for what we hope will be some good thing. We're willing to allow mad scientists to play God with cloning in the hope that we'll find cures for our diseases. In WWII we created the A-Bomb to beat the Germans to it so Hitler wouldn't have nuclear capabilites. Now we live with the fear of radical terrorists detonating a device in a modern city. So most Americans sell their soul (freedom) to the Patriot Act in the belief they can obtain security. Have we forgotten that one of the prices we pay for freedom is RISK? for example: innocent until proven guilty risks that many criminals will get away with their crime in order to insure the freedom of one falsely accused person. Just some thoughts to get the juices flowing on a cold, wet, snowy, icy, yucky day.

8:35 AM  
Blogger Wake of the Flood said...

Oh, did you read Sister General's response to our sledding stories? She goes tells an even earlier tale of trees and forks in the path. Seems you've gotten a growing readership of relatives making sure you don't tell tales out of school....they just monitor anonymously.

8:39 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

your brother makes some valid points, I must say...but in my mind, what all that boils down to is conversation, loss of integrity, and selling to buy power.
I'm in a bad place today, but...I have never sold. I've tried. I seel out in a different way, though. I choose not to be fully self expressed, and remain complacent (which isn't working well, if you must know)
There's no devil who lives in fire in the middle of the earth...there is, however, hell on earth--that we all create for ourselves. Nothing needs to be bought or sold to remedy this situation...only a choice (or several) and the knowledge that we all have the power to choose "it"

9:41 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Mmmhmm... You know I don't touch these ones. But, very intriguing what your brother has said.

11:13 AM  

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