Friday, September 09, 2005

It wasn't racism people,

it was incompetence that contributed to the debacle in New Orleans. No wonder the emphasis from the administration has been, "We need to focus on rescue and recovery right now." I think what they mean is that, "We haven't figured out how to spin this yet, but don't worry, the best minds money can buy are working on it. We'll get back to you soon."

What was it about Bagdad that Bush & Co. didn't anticipate?
The total breakdown of restraint (looting) in the absence of govermental authority.

What was it about New Orleans that Bush & Co. didn't anticipate?

It is difficult to see others' plight from the windows of the ivory tower. We are all guilty of assuming that other people share our perspective and thought processes. How many times, as a parent, have I thought to myself, "WHY would you do that?" (thinking about something my kid did). It drives me crazy when I hear some of my much-better-off-than-I friends just express the "buy your way out it" mentality.
You know, like when you hear about a mother that is in trouble with Protective Services for taking their kid to work with them (I'm not talking about leaving the kid in the car, that's just stupid).
"Why didn't she leave the baby at a day care?"
Mostly because she makes $6.00/hour at the restaurant and after gas has gone up and her electric bill was 50% higher than last year and she needed to buy a tire for the car last week, well there was $29.46 left for her and the baby to eat with this week. That's if she doesn't take the kid to day care.
But don't worry, because she'll be extra careful when she prepares your lunch as you discuss how much more money your company will save (read make) by moving the accounting offices to Buenas Aires and closing the Dallas department. After all, six billion in profits this quarter does not provide satisfactory return to shareholders and you do have a fudiciary responsiblity.
And did you hear that your friend from college is offering a job to his roomamte at FEMA?
Sorry, I'm ranting now, but this whole thing has me worked up.