Thursday, August 25, 2005

Ironic, isn't it?

Morning Edition on NPR had a story this morning about McMansions coming to Cape Cod. It seems some of the old-time residents are unhappy with new property owners buying quintessential Cape cottages and razing them to erect large, luxury vacation homes.
"Suburbia is coming to the Cape," goes the lament.
Do you think Squanto and the other natives had the same discussion in the summer of 1620 after some of these people's relatives arrived from England?

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Strange bedfellows?

If Cindy Sheehan hadn't come along, Karl Rove would have invented her. While it is true that more and more people are questioning the US involvement in Iraq every day, we are no longer hearing about the possible law-breaking activities of Mr. Rove and Associates. Nixon had his enemies list and it was front page news. Does anyone believe that Karl Rove doesn't maintain a list of persons with contrary positions to the President?
The GOP had hoped that the rapid naming of John Roberts as the Supreme Court nominee would take Rove off the front pages. While it was a diversion for a week or so, it did not have the impact Camp Casey is having. I haven't heard any stories about the investigation for a couple weeks, even though I am sure Justice is proceeding full speed ahead. Yeah, right.

Anyway, Ms. Sheehan has proven to be the perfect antidote for the creeping illness Mr. Rove represented. She is easily portrayed as a distressed mother for whom sympathy is well deserved, but whose motives and tactics seem desperate. After all, who can't offer sympathy to the mother of a war hero, especially if you have a yellow ribbon magnet on the back of your car? But demanding a meeting with the President? Puh-leeze!

And now that she is wearing tie-dye and Joan Baez is singing to the crowd, can Jane Fonda be far behind? Peace-niks and liberals are gift-wrapping a rising approval rating for Mr. Bush and delivering it daily on the evening news. Their rhetoric is so far out of touch with most Americans, the majority of whom are in agreement that war is bad and tragic, that the only other choice appears to support Mr. Bush and his Washington insiders masquerading as populists.

Not even $3 gas will slow down the peace train leaving the station. All aboard for another Karl Rove miracle!

Sorry for the hassle.

To both of my readers ;-)
Somehow the spammers have found out about the blogs. Yesterday my new posts generated more traffic than the previous combined. At first I thought that Jennius readers had been touched by a comment I made and flocked to my site for more profundity.
Alas, it seems that they all wanted me to check out their cool site for
a)credit fix services
b)golf shoes
c)Superada (WTF??)
About the only thing I didn't get prompted for is a natural male enhancement product. But then, those who are doing this have no balls and are total dick...

Anyway, it means you'll have to type in some random characters to comment. Sorry about that, because I do like to hear others' ideas.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

A few wingnuts...

...can give Christians a bad name. The title is a link that shows Pat Robertson, once again, is only one guy that does not speak for an entire religion. Speaking on his own TV show (The 700 Club), Robertson called for the assassination of freely-elected Venezuelian President Hugo Sanchez.
For those of you that think this represents all Christian thought and arrogance, tap the brakes. Reasonable people will realize this is an extreme position that could have easily come from a radical Islamic cleric discussing George Bush. I think the Vice President of Venezuela has it about right when he refers to these remarks as inciting terrorist acts. Let's see if the Department of Homeland Security takes an interest in Rev. Robertson....

Monday, August 22, 2005

Mi hija esta saliendo este Jueves...

Yes, it's true. Hannah is heading for Spain for 118 days. She is going to Alcala de Henares and will live with a host while attending the fall semester at Universidad de Alcala.
Her mom is obsessing and I am jealous as our living room is overrun with her practice packing. Have you ever seen the space saver storage bags for packing with? It reminds me of a vacum packaging food storage, only you connect your vacum cleaner to it. It really compresses things down so she can fit alot in one bag. Of course, she probably can't lift it.
We went to Wal-Mart tonight and bought a second web cam and microphone. I just tested it with her and it works pretty well. This way, Mom can see her and they can converse over the net. I hope her host has a high speed connection. Does anyone have any experience with this - overseas VOIP with video? Is AIM the best way? It certainly seems easy. I also need to learn how to route through the firewall.