Am I evil or just a little naughty?
I have only been with this company six months. Prior to working here, I worked for a couple years on a help desk, providing tech support to users of portable computers from a Texas manufacturer based near Austin. I worked for an outsource supplier and they moved all our jobs to India because they could make more profit using cheaper labor. But I learned an awful lot of geeky things by working around so many smart computer nerds. Me? I just dance in the shallow water of high tech. I know enough to appear as though I know more.
Anyway, so last Friday afternoon, I am working in our database program, receiving goods into inventory. As I am exiting the application, the error statement above pops up. Reasoning that it is always best to advise the IT powers that be of problems rather than let them find out later, I make the call.
The person that answers seems a little put out with being notified at 2:30 PM on Friday before a holiday weekend that the inventory/accounting/who-knows-what-else suite has a problem.
"What were you doing?" (that caused my problem) she asked.
"Exiting the application. I have not escaped out yet, the error message told me to back up a certain file. Would you like me to e-mail you a screen shot of the error statement?"
"You can't take a screen shot of that application."
"Well, I already e-mailed it to you, but okay."
"I'll just use Timbuktu to look at your desktop." (I KNEW they could do that, even if they hadn't told me they could!)
Let's just say the conversation ended soon after that and the IT person dismissed me so as to work on the problem. It appears to be fixed, as I have not encountered it again.
But, having a bad attitude about being dissed on what I can and can't do with screen shots, I have made the error statement the background for my windows desktop. I figure I can cause a little panic for MIS if they "peek in" on my system and see this error - "What? We've got a problem with INMass? Nobody told us!"
So am I evil, or just a little naughty?