Monday, July 09, 2007

Some Heavy Lifting on a Hot and Humid Summer Monday

Gee, I hate to get all intellectual and political on y'all on a beautiful summer day, but

I didn't like him then, I was bothered that Bush selected him as running mate, and I dislike and distrust the man even more today.

The NYT has an op-ed today on Dick Cheney's views on presidential authority. I thought the guy was a weasel when he was a Congressman from Wyoming, and he's spent the last six years as veep proving he really is a weasel. In the end I think we'll discover he's comparable, if not worse, than Mr Fall of the infamous Teapot Dome scandals (for all the history buffs in the readership). He's already made the legendary Spiro Agnew look like a candidate for sainthood.