Major Employers Connecticut
The State of Connecticut employs approximately 27,000 people in Executive Branch positions. This does not include the folks in the Judicial Branch or in higher education. All told there are somewhere around 42,00 people who draw their paycheck directly from the state. That is more than the top two employers from this list combined. And note that one of the top two employers in the state is in the supermarket business. The vast majority of those jobs are part time and low pay. If you look at the list closely you will see that there are only 4 large employers who actually make anything. In total they employ about 42,000 people, the same number of folks who work for the state. Add up the other major employers providing good jobs that aren't hospitals or universities and you have roughly another 63,000 jobs. The rest of the list is service industry positions, half are financial services, but a good chunk of the employers are health care and retail jobs.mostly lower pay, usually part time. So what does this all amount to? It means that of the major employers in Connecticut, roughly ONE THIRD of the decent jobs offered are paid directly by tax dollars. Add in all those teachers employed by the cities and towns and you discover that there is only one major employer in Connecticut -- government! But it's not all bad news. Roughly 1.7 million people have jobs in Connecticut. So the government paid workers and the folks working for the companies on this list only account for about 5% of the work force. Most of us work for small companies, or mom and pop type operations. So if we just told all the big boys to hit the road when they try to stick us up for incentives most of us would still have our jobs. Maybe we don't need to pay ESPN millions to add a few new positions.