Friday, August 11, 2006

Friday Random Ten

Random? Ten? Ok, here's some of what I am hearing in my head today
1- my first car was a 1972 Pinto that the bottom of the doors rusted through and you could see daylight. They don't make them like that anymore...
2- There was a guy a couple years older than me in high school whose nickname was "Dogballs." Couldn't understand that until I practiced with the varsity over Christmas break my freshman year. You aren't supposed to "notice" things like that in the locker room but holy crow...
3- One of my neighbors has killed 2 trees in his yard over the past 3 years by not watering. All his grass is dried and dead. Yesterday I noticed the hose and sprinkler was on the lawn. Apparently it is time to water the weeds...
4- I have lived in Texas more years than I lived in Connecticut. But I still pay attention to news stories from there, i.e. Joe Libermann losing the primary. And I log on to read the town news about Granby...
5- I like black beans more than pinto beans, but still generally cook pinto beans for meals...
6- Is hair like plants - cut it and it grows back thicker? Only in those places you don't want it to grow I think, like ears and noses...
7- Kimberly Clark made a big announcement a couple of years ago about the introduction of "moist" toilet paper. It was supposed to be test marketed in several areas. Has anyone actually ever seen this stuff or did it fail the test?
8- How big is the reward for turning in tax cheats? It pisses me off that some couples are basically married (living together, raising kids, buying homes, etc) but claim single on the taxes so the woman is able to get the bonus EIC every year...
9- The new restrictions regarding carryon luggage could be a major blow to Apple computer if people aren't allowed to use their iPods. Plus the may be an actual conversation...
10- Once and a while you get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right...
My musical FRT is over here.
So, what are you listening to?

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

CT Moves On

Over the last few weeks (actually months), folks from all over the country have been weighing in on our Democratic Senate primary. And explaining to everyone how I and my neighbors would vote, and what we were thinking. Now the vote is in and the know-it-alls are explaining what it all means. Here's one of the latest examples. Too bad most of them have no sense of the dynamics in this very blue and increasingly exurban/suburban state. (The Lieberman Lesson does better than many).

CT's the most Republican of all the Democratic Party strongholds. And if you don't know have a clue what that is supposed to mean then you have no clue about CT politics. But if you want to try, instead of listening to, etc., look at the state's voter registration profile, and the vote results in various towns over the last decade in gubernatorial and state senate and house elections as compared to US House and Senate races. Suburbanites and exurbanites here vote fashionally liberal except in things that touch their wallets. Or might force their children to attend economically and racially integrated schools.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Cool playlist

wow. this may be the best playlist i have hit on Webjay yet. so far, all the links are working. check it out. click on the post title.
Y'all know Webjay, right? another music thing that i owe thanks to annamaria for....