Friday, October 13, 2006

Friday Random Ten

On a day and weekend that has the Detriot Tigers looking like the best team in baseball (how long since anyone could say that in October?) and the season of "Not Winter" starting here in the Dallas area (low temp this morning about 45 degrees), here is my FRT -
1)Philadelphia Freedom - Hall & Oates
2)Love Can Find Its Own Way - Jimmy Lafave
3)Heart Of A Woman - Jimmy Lafave
4)Eyes Of The World - The Grateful Dead
5)Sugaree (Alternate Take) - Jerry Garcia
6)Cadillac - Mest
7)With Every Wish - Bruce Springsteen
8)Wendy - The Beach Boys
9)Zip A Dee Doo Dah - Fantasia Soundtrack
10)Exit - U2
What's yours?