Friday, December 16, 2005

Random Ten

Kurt got me hooked on the random ten concept and since I didn't see Friday's Random Ten posted over on Annmaria's site I decided to stick mine up here. An eclectic mix I must say. How 'bout yours?

Beautiful Mystery Caedmon's Call
Freedom Michael W. Smith
Silent Night John Tesh
Great Doxology Orthodox Cathedral of Pittsburgh
Julia Flatlanders
Sugar Imperial Teen (didn't even know I had this on my puter)
Beat It on Down the Line Grateful Dead
See the Glory Steven Curtis Chapman
Vamos Nenas Cordero (Live)
Highway Blues Mark Seales

Hello everybody!

"How are you," I get asked often.
Today, I am dancing on the edge of laughter, tears of joy ready to be unleashed for no reason that can be understood.
I'm tasting with my eyes, seeing with my ears, and listening with my skin.
Life's rhythm is a samba beat; its symphony being eloquently played with spoons, sticks and a tin can percussion section.
Joy. How can that be described differently than saying it is liquid sunshine and electricity coming at you through a spiritual shower head, rinsing away despair and anguish from places you didn't know it was stuck on you.
My bones are howling with laughter no one else hears or can see.
I want to point my fingers at sadness and shoot it down with my happiness ray gun. Or be able to soothe it from the joints of the sufferring with balms of good intention.
It's another day today.
The best part is, it's life.
It can hurt me, it can knock me down.
But it's only life. It can't put out the fire.
When I consume it, it tastes like nothing else. Like that piece of salmon the sushi chef gave me special that time. A cube of wonderfulness laid upon my pallette.
It's life. How can there be any more?
Enjoy today. Ok?

(Can you tell I was listening to a live Dead show on the drive in this morning?)

I have seen where the wolf has slept by the silver stream.
I can tell by the mark he left you were in his dream.
Ah child of countless trees, ah child of boundless seas.

What are you, what are you meant to be?
Speaks his name for you were born to me,
Born to me, cassidy.

Lost now on the country miles in his cadillac.
I can tell by the way you smile he is rolling back.
Come wash the nighttime clean, come grow the scorched ground green.

Blow the horn, tap the tambourine.
Close the gap on the dark years in between.
You and me, cassidy.

Quick beats in an icy heart, catch colt draws a coffin cart,
There he goes and now here she starts, hear her cry.

Flight of the seabirds,
Scattered like lost words,
Wheel to the storm and fly.
Fare thee well now, let your life proceed by it’s own design.
Nothing to tell now, let the words be your’s, I’m done with mine.
Fare thee well now, let your life proceed by it’s own design.
Nothing to tell now, let the words be your’s, I’m done with mine.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Did you ever have summer feet?

Click the images to read my poor handwriting. I haven't written anything out in a long time.

Is she having a good time or what?

About now, the reality that this seperate reality is starting to sink in for Hannah. We were able to chat a bit on Monday and she said the trip to the north coast of Spain was a perfect ending for her time there. Now it's exams and getting ready to readjust to her "old" reality of being a college student...
P.S. - You can see the nose piercing in this pix. Momma is still dealing with it.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

It Smokes!!!

Ok, it was worth the wait today. The Verizon techs arrived right after I posted (about 10:45) and they were finished by noon. I didn't have a chance to play with it cuz I had to go to work. But I have been watching a live hockey game and there have been no buffering issues.

I also downloaded this Guster song (Window) in less than 30 seconds. It is a 6.8MB file. I think I'm gonna like this. It's a good thing I have an 80 gig drive to add to this box.

Here I sit...

waiting for a Verizon tech to show up and install the needed equipment for their FiOS internet service. I hate the "window" appointments that everyone uses now, but having been involved in scheduling and doing on-site work before, I recognize the need for them. It's just that I feel I am wasting time...

I ordered this service because I have been overpaying for Comcast cable internet too long. At $54.95 per month, I am like the junkie that needs speed but hasn't thought about the cost. However, all these ads for bundled services and hearing Leslie complain about not being able to get DSL in her new abode made me investigate.

The first call was to Comcast (I am loyal if nothing else). It went like this:
Me: "Hi, I was wondering about a package price you might be offerring if I had all my telecommunications services with Comcast. I have phone and internet now and was wondering how we could add cable and see how much savings there are."
She: "You could get $10 a month off the internet service."
Me: "Do you offer any other packages or plans? SBC and Verizon are both offerring bundles at around $85 a month."
She: "No. That's it. They use DSL service for internet and it is not as good."
I had just installed DSL for my father-in-law the night before (SBC). I was able to stream video without any problem or bufferring issues.
Me: "Okay, thanks."

Just to be sure, I checked on-line to see what could be done. She was right. Comcast charges more for internet, more for TV service and less for local telephone service. Hmm, what to do?

So I call Verizon to see about their bundles. It took awhile to actually get through to a person, but she was very helpful. When she learned what I was looking to do, we reviewed all my options. I could switch to Direct TV from Dish Network, but the costs would be essentially the same. No savings. If I wanted to change my telephone service to Verizon, that would be no problem but the monthly charge would be about $10 a month more than what Comcast is charging. The DSL service would cost $29.95 per month, but would require their phone service, so I would only save $15 dollars. But Verizon lady suggested FiOS, which is their fiber optic internet service. It costs $35 a month and I get the first month free. I keep my same cheaper Comcast phone serivce and save about $20 a month and get supposedly faster internet. This is almost like buying a bass boat to save on food costs, but I need the speed I tell ya!

My appt window is from 8AM to 12PM. It's 10:35 and no one is around. Something tells me that the "morning" I took off from work is going to run long...