Thursday, June 16, 2005

Breathing is not advised today

The Dallas skyline & our beautiful smog
Well, it's summer and we started right out with a Level Red ozone watch day. Which means if you are outside, the air is hazardous. Breathing is dangerous.
Dallas has gotten more dirty in the years I've lived here, but the same is probably true most places. I can't remember one kid from my school days that had asthma. Now it seems as though 2 or 3 kids in every classroom are carrying inhalers (we carried different kind of inhalers in the 70s).
Plus, there was only one kid that should have been on Ritalin (sorry Fuzzy)for hyperactivity. Betcha there's two or three in your kid's classes.
Did you ever spray insect repellant on a bug and watch its nervous system go haywire?
Do you think we're doing that to ourselves with air pollution?
Oh, hey, look at the time, I need to go fire up my Ford Excursion and make the 27 mile drive home by myself before traffic gets too bad....

Monday, June 13, 2005

Howard Dean is a knucklehead.

Following his recent comments about the Republican Party and the flap over it, Howard Dean continues to prove that he is as much an obstacle to real progress in terms of bipartisan cooperation as Karl Rove. While almost everyone in the political world agrees that Democrats need to change the middle-class's opinion of them, especially defeated incumbents such as Martin Frost, Dean behaves like the party mascot.

While Mr. Frost seems to have it about right, he is also failing to capitalize on the devisive nature of Republican oratory. Democrats seem to be working so hard to become the "authentic" Democrat, but the opportunity is there to become the "true" American. Where is the leader that can speak to us without catering to each special interest? Where is the leader that will speak to us about the universal pursuit of happiness each American is entitled to? Where is the leader to speak about the things that unite us as a nation, yes even with Republicans?

Dean describes a stereotype of the GOP that has this yellow dog Democrat thinking they may be the party for me! Instead of providing sound bites that secures the white working man vote for Republicans, Dean needs to speak in terms that isolate the Republicans. As the Republicans push an agenda that most Americans are uncomfortable with at best, it is time to create their image for them. As talking points are handed out to every constituency the GOP counts on, Democrats should be drawing a line in the sand right behind them.

Republican leadership does not stand for members of Congress that will publicly disagree with Bush policy and uses (the lack of) party money to rein in rouge individuals. I call this distilling policy until it comes out pure and uncontaiminated. THIS should be what the Dems speak on, how GOP distills its members ideas until they are in total unison, one voice.

My party should be the party of the American melting pot, taking into account the differences, but utilizing the strength of each to forge a tempered steel society that will withstand challenges from extremists of every stripe, foreign and domestic. My party should be the party that leads the world forward with the small steps of each individual shouldering a share of the load.

Dream the American dream, make your world a better place, be a better person today than yesterday, and help someone less fortunate than you. THAT is an America that knows no limits, includes all faith and demonstrates what distinguishes us from the more sectarian states on earth.

Who will be this leader?

I can't afford stupidity. Can you?

Take the paint away...
and you have the car that someone parked outside my loading dock door this morning. Oh, and rip off all the body molding, roll down the windows and add a lovely rust patina to the outside where the paint used to be and you have my illegally parked car. And I have to call the wrecker to come get it.
The owner of this car abviously doesn't have the $100 or so it will cost to get it out of impound. What were they thinking?

When I managed a restaurant, we had employees that were driving without licenses, no insurance, expired inspection stickers, etc. Then when the police sees the inspection sticker and pulls them over, things get really expensive. So they spend $500 on tickets when if they had done what they were supposed to, it wouldn't have cost that much.
Sort of like when I was MUCH younger and a partying boy. My older brother taught me well - if you are going to party in the car, make sure all your lights are working. It would absolutely suck to get busted because you had a taillight out.
Leads me to the question, why are those that can least afford it, stupid?