Thursday, October 02, 2008

So many bikes...

Continuing with the downtown theme, here's 3 more attempts to give you an idea of the sheer number of motorcycles that were present. This first picture was taken of one of those $10 parking lots near the lakefront concert venue. Located behind or south of the Italian American Community Center, this is about the size of a mall parking lot or the biggest Wal-Mart parking lot you have ever seen.
This one has been set aside for bike only parking though.
Row upon row of bikes.
Notice the person in the foreground? He happened to be walking out there as I snapped this picture.
If you look in the foreground of this picture, he is in it as well. These 2 pictures are the same parking lot. I took the first picture, then moved my view a bit to the right to get the other side of the lot. He was apparently parked on that side. I hadn't noticed him until I saw the pictures later.
Remember all the grass you saw around where Kevin and I had parked under the bridge? This is what it looked like when we went back to the bikes for a moment around 5 PM, before we headed into the concert. It was unbelievable that all the area was now being used. Our bikes are parked under the third bridge from here, on a line to the traffic light in the background. Everything from there to this corner was still open space when we pulled onto that island. The coolest thing about it all though, was that should any of those bikes have wanted to leave, I think they would have been able to. Bikers seem to be polite to each other and no one was the asshole that blocked in another biker or closed off an aisle. And that entire site was an impromptu, spontaneous confluence of motorcycles. No one was directing anyone how to park. No one was waving a shiny flashlight or wearing an orange or yellow vest. We just did it. :-)