Tuesday, August 12, 2008

13 and counting down...

It's getting to be that time. Panic time, perhaps.
Two weeks from right now (8:21 AM), I need to be in Missouri, making tracks for St. Louis in order to keep the dreamed about trip of a life time on the rails. I have made tentative plans to meet Kevin under the Gateway Arch sometime between noon and two.
He told me last week that this trip was a "no watches, no maps (maps are for pussies), and no expectations." Uh huh. I thanked God I have been married to Nini all this time and have learned some things. Then I plotted out the week on my scheduling calendar, printed out 8 pages of directions from the Harley Trip Planner web site and began the mental checklist of things I need to remember to take (which will become a written list in the next few days).
Nini gets manic when it comes to vacation time planning; she wants to make sure all the things she wants to do get done. I have to say I have learned the value of that. In moderation.
Let the countdown continue.