Friday, February 02, 2007

Friday Random Ten

Wow. I can't believe it. Another Friday. Another chance to see what you guys listen to.

Here's my list.

1)Careful - Guster
2)Waiting for a Sign - Ryan Adams
3)Sweet Jane (acoustic) - Lou Reed
4)Pidele A Dios - Jose Alfredo Jimenez
5)Yo Te Quise - Vicente Fernandez
6)Pay It Back - Elvis Costello
7)Jackson - Lucindia Williams
8)Tennessee Sucks - Ryan Adams
9)Jesus, Etc. - Wilco
10)Ladder (live) - Joan Osborne

Have a great weekend. Stay warm.

Monday, January 29, 2007

New Music Monday

I'm stealing this idea from WFUV. Two weeks ago driving to Maryland and back I tuned in their City Folk program for about a third of the ride. And it was New Music Monday. All day long they played cuts from the new music that had come into the studio.

So here's how New Music Monday will work on A Ripple Over These Thousand Hills:
Every Monday you're invited to list "new" music. It might be a new release from a favorite artist. Or it might be a new band. Or it might be some music that is new to you. And new doesn't mean today only. Just music that you've discovered in the last few weeks or so.

Here's my inaugural list:

Crowded House
Heard their tune "Something So Strong" on the ride and enjoyed it a bunch.

The band's not new, but this tune is. "Samba Pa Ti". It's a wonderful mix of old musical themes from Santana's early days, like Soul Sacrifice, blended with new jazz and salsa rhythmns and melodies.

New artist for me. Good storyteller. Singer-songwriter type. Got to hear him play live from the station's studios while being interviewed. Here's a sampling of In the City
