Wednesday, September 19, 2007

What do you mean summer is over?

I still have some chores around the house that are usually part of "spring cleaning/get ready for summer" routines. And it's already almost Oct. Wow.
I guess a lot has transpired since spring came and went. Hannah graduated and we had a trip to the Gulf Coast. I ran back to CT for my 30th high school reunion. (pictures from a night at a bar are found here. Go to Aug 2nd on the calendar. I was informed that we all look old.
I have tickets to go see Ryan Adams on Oct 19th. Here is
the concert he played Sunday night. His band is incredible.
My mornings at work usually still start with a Dead show from whatever date it is. But now more often than not, I follow that with a Ryan Adams show from the site.
All is well, even if I can't log on while at work very often anymore. too busy. too many new eyes watching us. ugh.