Friday, July 21, 2006

Friday Random Ten

priorities, people. here's my Friday list -
Red Dirt Song - Jimmy Lafave
Summer - Shy Child
I Know You Rider - Max Creek
Help Me, Suzanne - Rhett Miller
Senorita - Los Lonely Boys
Light - The Benjamin Gate
Broken Arrow - Neil Young
Urge For Going - Tom Rush
Everyday - Agents of Good Roots
Finale: Allegro Molto (Symphony #3) - Ludwig von Beethoven

say hello at least if you aren't leaving your list!

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Did we do this already?

there are so many things to say and so little time to say them, and yet i wonder if this is a repeat? thanks to miffy who had this show up on my myspace page...
You scored as Christianity. Your views are most similar to those of Christianity. Do more research on Christianity and possibly consider being baptized and accepting Jesus, if you aren't already Christian.

Christianity is the second of the Abrahamic faiths; it follows Judaism and is followed by Islam. It differs in its belief of Jesus, as not a prophet nor historical figure, but as God in human form. The Holy Trinity is the concept that God takes three forms: the Father, the Son (Jesus), and the Holy Ghost (sometimes called Holy Spirit). Jesus taught the idea of instead of seeking revenge, one should love his or her neighbors and enemies. Christians believe that Jesus died on the cross to save humankind and forgive people's sins.



















Which religion is the right one for you? (new version)
created with

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Parlez-vous Francais? or any other language?

I've got a simple request for y'all. Rachel is a young girl from one of my congregations who is recovering from surgery following a ruptured appendix. She is on the mend, but still would love folks to remember her in prayer. Yesterday I shared with her how via the internet I had alerted folks across the globe to be praying for her recovery. The idea that people in all kinds of places were praying for her was exciting to her. Today we talked about how neat it might be if people were also praying a bunch of different languages.

So here's my request. If you speak a language besides English would you say a prayer for Rachel and then post here the language in which you prayed and the location from which you prayed, i.e. Texas, Alaska, Guam, France, Mexico, etc. When I see her Friday I will relay to her all the different languages in which prayers were offered and the locations as well.

Thanks for helping me lift the spirits of a sick young lady. Oh, and this isn't an urban legend or internet fake. She's a real person in a real hospital and this is a real request.