Friday, August 19, 2005


4 : having, containing, or indicative of good sense or reason : RATIONAL, REASONABLE
There's a woman that walks pass my dock doors every day. I think she is excercising but it may be that she parks in front and walks around the building. She seems like an ordinary person, probably same type as me. Except, while the younger women teeter by on their spike heels and tight fitting jeans, this woman is in flat shoes that look comfortable and go well with the rest of her demure apparel.
Today, I realized how I would describe her if asked for a one word definition (like that's gonna happen).


Do women grow up aspiring to be "sensible"?

I have a sister that I would describe that way. This should not come across as mean-spirited. I envy that aspect of her and her life. Not much chaos. Quite organized. Purposeful. Moving with direction.

I think I have spent my life trying to be appear everything but sensible.

But I think I expect my children to be sensible. My bad. I think I will try to move to expecting them to be responsible. No kid wants to be sensible.

Thanks, Psycho Soccer Mom

Melanie, aka psycho soccer mom, has given up her blog. While I can't pretend to say I knew her (this is cyberspace, after all), I enjoyed reading her blog. She seemed honest (to a fault), candid and willing to hear from all sides. Her struggles were related in an entertaining way and it is always good for me to realize I am not the only one in the world that has some seriously crazy stuff buzz between their ears.
My kids (and wife) tell me I say too much of it, but they have no idea what stays inside my head. It was nice to read her blog and know there are others with these type thoughts and perhaps I am closer (CLOSER) to normal than I want to admit to myself.
Back to Melanie. It seems that she had far more comments and beat-downs than just what we saw from the blog and some of what she revealed was difficult. But I have the impression she is an extraordinary survivor and this latest stage will, like others, perhaps leave a few scars but do nothing to quench the spirit.
Best wishes to her and her family (and IBF). Continue to treasure your kids, PSM and don't let too much keep you down.
Namaste (thanks Daisy for the word).

Thursday, August 18, 2005

The finest combination....

...of softness and firmness, sweetness and sass. These are my wife's lips and when she kissed me goodbye this morning, I remembered again one of the main things I first noticed about her. This thought was confirmed, by the way, several weeks after we met when I worked up the nerve to kiss her for the first time.
Life is good sometimes.