Saturday, February 28, 2009

I'm such a fangirl.....

Last Thursday night, after spending my time with the A Sense of Place crew, I hooked it up to Denton and a concert by Son Volt. I was pretty excited and enjoyed myself immensely. In fact, I enjoyed it so much that I decided I needed a souvenir to take away from the evening. I decided I was going to get the set list that was under the pedal steel/keyboard player's guitar. This is how close to him I was standing -

During the encore, I positioned myself so that I would be able to gather my prize without too much trouble. 3 song encore nears completion; as the last few chords of Windfall are echoing through the bar, I am getting ready...
When the song ends and the clapping starts, I am edging even closer to the stage. Like a salmon swimming upstream, I am going against the flow, heading directly toward my prize.
But, alas, it was not to be. For while I was the fish going against the current, an eagle swoops in from the side and snatches the printed song ledger just as I got to the stage edge.
"Dude," I moaned.
"Sorry," said the Victor, although I am sure he didn't mean it. In fact, my pain made his gain that much sweeter in his mind - I could see it in his eyes and grin.
Not ready to give up, my attention shifted to the list that was on top of the amp behind where frontman Jay Farrar had stood. A roadie. Perhaps one of the techs would be willing to give it to me. Here comes one now from behind the curtain! He has returned after securing the microphones first thing. Now he will begin to take the instruments offstage.
Wait... NOOO! Who is that kid climbing on the stage? The tech is obviously wondering the same thing as the young man boldly hustles over to the amp, grabs the list and shows the tech that his incursion is pretty much benign by holding it up like a trophy.
Suddenly I am aware that I am standing next to another man who calls to the tech. The tech looks over with a face that says, "Can't you see I am working on something important and don't have time to be bothered by fans. It's 12:40 A.M. and we need to get going."
"Can I have one of the setlists?" the man queries. Annoyed, the tech grabs the one the lead guitarist had on his amp and heads toward us. "Hey, this guy wants one, too." says the fan but the tech acts like he didn't hear and goes off to get the "most important task in the world (other than curing cancer)" done so he can go party with the band.
Saddened, I begin to turn. But one last glance to the curtain reveals another person coming through - it's Andrew Duplantis himself! I think the bass player was on the way to join the pedal steel player at the back bar, visiting with some friends they had acknowledged earlier in the show. But I seemed to catch his eye for he stepped close enough to hear my request. He stepped back to his Ampeg SVT amp and speaker cabinet which looked very much like one I used to own, tugged the handwritten sheet of paper off the side and slipped it into my hand. A hearty thanks and an Obama hand bump later we were headed in opposite directions - him to get his drink and me having the lady at the door say, "Sir. SIR!" as I was about to go outside.
"You can't leave with that in your pocket"
Laughing as I remembered the empty Shiner Boch stuffed where my wallet usually goes, I apologized and placed it in the trash barrel by the door before stepping into the warm night air singing
May the wind take your troubles away,
May the wind take your troubles away.
Both feet on the floor,
Two hands on the wheel
May the wind takes your troubles away....