Thursday, May 29, 2008

You are what you eat....

ok, so i have been reading Michael Pollan's book titled The Omnivore's Dilemma and it has made me aware of how rapidly the change in the American food system has occurred. there are times when i think i am a "healthy" eater. i am not overweight. i don't abuse drugs or alcohol the way i used to. all good things, right? i don't even do fast food like i used to.
but i have been disturbed to learn that even though i am trying to be better, i am being sold down the river by all those groups you might think have your better interests in mind - governmental regulatory agencies, supermarket chains, food producers...
ah, crap. profit and greed have undermined nearly all aspect of it, especially for those of us living in large metropolitan areas without easy access to locally produced seasonal food.
i made dinner tonight for my daughter and i. grilled salmon. white rice. salad. turns out the salmon was farm raised, which means corn fed. that reduces the amount and quality of the beneficial nutrients in it. the rice was minute rice. heavily processed. and the bag salad was likely grown in CA under what are referred to as "industrial food" conditions - lots of pesticides. lots of diesel fuel used to grow it. inordinate amounts of irrigation. and it traveled hundreds and hundreds of miles to get to my store, all using lots of energy to keep it cool. sigh.
i think i'm going to the Farmer's Market next Saturday. The last pasture raised chicken i ate was fabulous.